Travel security

Most employers are acutely aware of their obligations to provide their staff with a safe and secure workplace.  However, the fact that these responsibilities also extend to their staff when travelling on business is often overlooked.  The employee may be away from the safe environment that you can control for them, but as recent legislation has made clear, your accountability persists.

It may be obvious that a business trip to certain dangerous areas of the world will require some form of security assistance, but the reality is that most travel-related incidents affect those travelling domestically or to “safe” countries, where complacency has meant that security has been given little or no consideration and the traveller is often exposed to unnecessary danger and left to cope using their own devices and initiative.

Staff travelling on business require more security consideration to those working in a static environment, yet in most companies and organisations they receive considerably less – if any.

How we can help you

If you represent a larger organisation or business travel forms a core of your business, Blue Chevron can work with you to adapt a comprehensive travel security policy and associated controls to ensure that you are able to meet your duty of care obligations to your travelling staff.  Even if you have existing processes, we can review these to ensure that they are appropriate and comprehensive, particularly in light of the new Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Manslaughter Act.

For those organisations with more occasional travel requirements, both in the UK and overseas, Blue Chevron can provide a bespoke service covering all aspects of travel security, including security assessments of destinations, pre-travel training and security briefings for travellers, information sheets, and even the facilitation of additional security support, such as kidnap and ransom insurance and close protection for high risk areas.